Monday, 7 September 2009

dumdidum :D

Blogger is expectedly, still screwed.

Went to eat at seoul garden with PP and the big bro after CCA. I am still quite hungry leh. D:

After lunch we went to best denki to ogle at nice techy stuff. Techy stuff for PP means food processors and refrigerators. Techy stuff for me means real techy stuff, like cameras and laptops.

Geek pick of the week:
Samsung st550.

Its winning feature is that it has 2 screens! Gimmicky. Still a nice innovation though. Saw it in Digital life last week too.


3.5" touch screen at the back. Sorry about the huge pictures, too lazy to resize them. teehee.

You already knew long ago that I am a materialistic goon-head, so stop complaining.

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