Thursday, 17 September 2009

blogger is normal now


I'm shocked by how fast time flies. I secretly think that the world is rotating faster or something. Wasn't I just about starting to enjoy my december holidays in 2008? And now its already 2009 and I'm one year older, grown a lot more white hair, and still none the wiser.

Right now I'm trying not to stare blankly at my newly acquired and wonderfully blank maths worksheet on the entertaining topic of circular measures. It has the just-came-out-of-the-copier smell.

Ya lah, I'm so ridiculously bored that I actually smell my worksheets. heh. Just that my nose happens to be blocked now so the smell is probably just a figment of my imagination.

I am glad to inform that my worksheet just received a showering of germs and saliva.

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