Friday 10 June 2016

Review: Satsuma Imo Sweet Potato Pretz

Ihave always been more of a Pocky than Pretz person, but the awesome Pretz flavours here in Japan have brought me over to the snappier, naked side.  Every single time I go to Donki and see the towering stacks of Pretz, I invariably lose control and grab at least 4 boxes of assorted flavours.  But sometimes, a flavour is so good that you devote your entire Pretz quota to it. 

I accuse the following for the curse of chubbier cheeks:

Yup all 3 boxes are mine. Don't judge. 

This satsuma imo Pretz really bring to mind the real deal. You know how especially the ends of a freshly-steamed Japanese sweet potato exude a supremely sweet fragrance when  bitten into? As a veteran steamed sweet potato eater, I think the food engineer whizzes at Glico Japan have got the  flavour profile spot on. They have managed to trick my brain by pairing a flavour which I typically associate with soft, steamy starchiness with the addictive crunch of a stick biscuit instead. 

Don't let it's plain appearance fool you
The contents of each box are split into 2 packs, which is a good thing, if not I would easily finish the whole box in one crazed snacking session.  In addition to the distinctive golden brown marks (which remind me of the hatch pattern on metal drain covers) unique to Pretz, the sticks have a thin coating of tiny sugar crystals that add to its guilt-inducing pleasure. 

Cost: 78yen before tax at Donki 
Calories: 165kcal per pack 
Rating: 4.5/5 

Paired with a mug of strong black tea 


  1. Tsk tsk tsk. I had imo taiyaki today at Kagurazaka and it was fantabulous.

  2. Pooh bear lover17 June 2016 at 14:02

    Omgg Zenia!! I have been converted to a Pocky fan ever since u offered me my first stick of lemon Pocky. I have embarked on a mission, sweeping through the city of Kaohsiung in search of new Pocky flavors!! :D

    Oh noooooo, what has gotten into me?! For someone who has never liked snacking, I am now officially hooked D:
    Save meeeeee. I NEED TO STOP SNACKING

    #confessionsofapockyaddict T.T
